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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Obesity Is Just One Thing a Pediatrician in Littleton Can Help Treat

An article from reported that obesity among children is generally dropping throughout the United States. However, a closer inspection of the statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that while this is true in most states in the country, states like Colorado and Tennessee have actually seen an increase in child obesity. Regardless of how one can interpret these results, it is clear that the need for reliable pediatric care nationwide still cannot be emphasized enough.

While it is not the sole specialization of a pediatrician in Littleton, Colorado, for instance, treating obesity can still be done with the help of reliable pediatric centers like Focus on Kids Pediatrics. Treating obesity is a long-term process of adjusting the child's eating habits and lifestyle, which must be monitored carefully by a medical professional. Aside from obesity, a pediatrician can help treat allergies, respiratory ailments, and digestive problems among children.

Like many other juvenile medical conditions, obesity is not dealt with easily, as obese children are very likely to develop cardiovascular disorders when they reach their teen and adult years. “Changing lifestyle and eating habits” is easier said than done because children are constantly exposed to various factors that would entice them to go on with their unhealthy diets. Furthermore, although the CDC's statistics may indicate a drop in the number of obese children in the country, many health experts agree that it is still too early to say if children are indeed becoming healthier.

It would appear, however, that today's pediatricians have their work cut out for them. The CDC says that pediatric care in the United States is generally a lot better than in previous years, thanks to federal initiatives like the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Colorado is taking children's healthcare so seriously that they're looking towards alternative, albeit controversial, treatments like medicinal cannabis for minors with rare diseases like Dravet Syndrome.

Fortunately, treating obesity doesn't involve such medical procedures. Parents can also show that they take pediatric care seriously by being more rigorous in their search for a pediatrician for their child (especially during prenatal care). It is important for them to look into a pediatrician's track record and specializations; one Littleton pediatrician may be more adept at treating children's allergies than another specialist, for instance.

Pediatricians will continue to play a huge role in safeguarding children's welfare and well-being. However, they seldom carry their duties out alone. Parents, schools, and even the government should play their respective roles if they want to stamp out obesity and other ailments among children.


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