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Monday, November 11, 2013

When Chickenpox Needs Medical Attention

Chickenpox is one of the most infamous childhood viral infections. Caused by the varicella-zoster virus, chickenpox causes red, itchy blisters to develop on the skin. For the most part, chickenpox is not a serious disease, with many cases lasting for 10 to 12 days only. In fact, pediatricians recommend letting the disease run its course.

When your child develops the trademark blisters of the disease, bring him to a pediatrician immediately to confirm the presence of chickenpox. If chickenpox has been confirmed, you can prepare home remedies like oat baths and bergamot oil to relieve your child’s itching throughout the duration of the disease.

However, if your child experiences severe headaches, an oversensitivity to light, breathing difficulties, or the development of rashes on the eyeball, call a pediatrician immediately. These are not typical chickenpox symptoms and may indicate the presence of a more serious disease.

After fully recovering from chickenpox, the chances of contracting the disease a second time is quite rare. However, a dormant version of the varicella-zoster virus can hide within the body and reappear years later as shingles, an infection similar to chickenpox that affects the nerve area. As such, people who have had chickenpox should closely monitor themselves for symptoms of shingles: severe pain and rashes on one side of the body, high fever, and tender lymph nodes.


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