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Monday, June 22, 2015

Consult a Littleton Pediatrics Clinic About Skin Irritations in Summer

When the weather gets hotter and the air becomes more humid, you can expect a few illnesses to suddenly materialize, many of them affecting the skin. Kids are often more prone to these conditions than adults. After those two-day hiking and camping trips in the Rockies, or those long days spent swimming and holding barbecues in your backyard, you may just find your little ones starting to scratch themselves nonstop, or crying because of stinging pain on their skin. The classic sunburn is perhaps the most common cause of discomfort, but skin infections, allergies, and a bunch of other conditions could cause rashes, blisters, or even mysterious lumps and bumps. When a child can’t stop scratching an itchy area, the tiny sores or eruptions can look worse, get more irritating, or even become infected. Here’s a list of common skin irritations that kids can suffer every summer, and which just might require a visit to a Littleton pediatrics clinic.


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