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Monday, April 18, 2016

How Pediatrician Can Help Your Family with Management of ADHD

While ADHD is often considered to be a learning disorder, children who are diagnosed with the condition often have physical symptoms as well. A pediatrician in Littleton can help you to manage the physical effects of ADHD and to work with the other professionals and educators who also care for your child. Some of the ways these professionals can help include: Medication Management Medication management is an essential part of how a pediatrician cares for a child with ADHD. If you choose to use medication to help with your child's symptoms, your pediatrician will meet with you about every three to four weeks to determine whether your child's attention or hyperactivity symptoms are improving with a specific drug or dose. The pediatrician will also discuss changes with your child's personality, moods or behavior. He or she may ask if your child has had improvements with focus at school or in his or her activities.